FIC: Autonomous Vehicle Bill Moves In Senate

By:  Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel The Senate started moving their autonomous vehicle (AV) bill on March 20, 2019 when it unanimously passed its first committee, Senate Infrastructure and Security.  The bill is sponsored by Sen. Brandes (R) who has sponsored AV legislation in past Sessions and is super knowledgeable and a champion for AV…

FIC: Step Therapy Limited By House Committee

By:  Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel HB 559, the House step therapy bill, was rewritten by the Health Market Reform Subcommittee on March 19, 2019 when the subcommittee adopted a strike all amendment to replace the bill with new language. The subcommittee passed the rewritten bill.   As rewritten, the bill has two parts:  step…