2019 OIR Summit Highlights Assignment of Benefits Abuse and Innovative Efforts to Serve and Protect Floridians
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Florida Insurance Council - Covering Florida Since 1962
By: Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel On January 15, 2019, Rep. Santiago (R) filed HB 271, a comprehensive bill on numerous pharmacy issues, prior authorization, and fail first/step therapy protocols. Many of the provisions of the bill are likely to be problematic for health insurers, HMOs, and PBMs. Some of the major components of…
By: Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel Sen. Brandes (R) filed SB 328 on January 14, 2019. The bill makes numerous changes to the court system in Florida. One change of interest to insurers is the increase in the jurisdictional amount for county court from $15,000 or less to $25,000 or less for cases covered…
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If you are a current FIC Member, but have not registered for access to this site, please complete the Member Access Registration Form. Once it is completed, received and membership verified you will be sent your member credentials.
If you are not a FIC Member, please email Vicky Dingwell at vdingwell@flains.org.
By: Greenberg Traurig The House Health Market Reform Subcommittee met on January 10, 2019 to discuss the overview of the roles and responsibilities of the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) and a brief overview of the Medicaid program. The meeting packet can be found here. AHCA Overview Deputy Secretary of the Division…
By: Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel The House Insurance and Banking Subcommittee held their first committee meeting on January 10, 2019. During the meeting, the committee heard presentations from various stakeholders about property insurance. The presentations provided to the committee can be viewed here. The committee heard from the following presenters: Office of Insurance Regulation…
By: Greenberg Traurig The Senate Community Affairs Committee met on January 8, 2019 to hear a presentation on the Florida Building Code. Following are notes on the presentation prepared by staff of the Greenberg Traurig law firm. Presentation on the Florida Building Code by the Florida Building Commission By Tom Campbell- Executive Director for the…