FHCF Hurricane Michael Interim Loss Report Due November 5th
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Florida Insurance Council - Covering Florida Since 1962
On October 14, 2018, Governor Rick Scott directed Florida Insurance Commissioner David Altmaier to take every action authorized pursuant to Executive Order 18-276 to provide additional protections to support recovery efforts as it relates to Hurricane Michael’s impact on Florida families as well as Florida policyholders. On October 15, 2018, Commissioner Atlmaier issued the following…
By: Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel In a 4-3 decision issued on October 15, 2018, the Florida Supreme Court held legislation enacted in 2013 changing the standard for determining expert witness reliability from the “Frye” standard to the “Daubert” standard was unconstitutional because it violated the constitutional separation of powers. The more liberal Justices formed…
10-15-18 Summary Changes FHCF Insurer Reporting Rule.pdf
By: Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel During a meeting of the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund (FHCF or Fund) Advisory Council last week ahead of Hurricane Michael making landfall, Anne Bert, the Chief Operating Officer of the Fund gave the following report on Hurricane Michael which was rapidly approaching Florida: • The FHCF is ready to…
By: Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel The Advisory Council (Council) for the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund (FHCF or Fund) met on October 9, 2018 and approved the October Claims Paying Capacity Estimates Report (Report) prepared by the Fund’s financial advisor, Raymond James. A copy of the Report, which contains specific and detailed information about the…
By: Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel Last week, the FHCF held a rule workshop on its rule related to insurer reporting requirements for the 2019-2020 contract year. There are few substantive changes to the rule this year. Most of the changes conform the rule and its associated Data Call form to the changes made in…
By: Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel On October 4, 2018, the Florida Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) held a second rule workshop on their proposed rule dealing with workers’ compensation benefits for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) suffered by first responders. The rule is being proposed to implement part of legislation passed during the 2018…