FIC: WC Expansion for Firefighters Diagnosed with Cancer On Multiple Senate Bills

By:  Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel Language expanding workers’ compensation coverage for firefighters diagnosed with cancer has been put on multiple bills in the Senate.  The bills do not all have identical language.  Language dealing with firefighters diagnosed with cancer is not currently on any House bills that are moving.   The provisions in each…

FIC: FLAHIGA Bill Going to Senate Floor

By:   Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel A bill related to the Florida Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association (FLAHIGA or Association) passed its last Senate committee on April 25, 2017.  The bill will be heard on the Senate floor when set by the Rules Committee.   As originally filed, the bill: Starting July 1, 2017,…

FIC: 2017 Insurance Fraud Package Moving to House, Senate Floors

By:  Sam Miller, FIC ConsultantHB 1007 Insurer Anti-Fraud Efforts — by RascheinAmendment 565543 [PDF] Beshears                           HB 1009 Pub. Rec./DFS/Insurance Fraud Information — by Raschein With only two weeks remaining in the 2017 regular session, the insurance fraud package (CS/CS/CS/HB 1007) from the Department of Financial Services’ Division of Investigative and Forensic Services is moving right…