GT: Insurance Omnibus Passes Another Senate Committee

By:  Greenberg Traurig, FIC Lobbyist Following is a report prepared by staff at Greenberg Traurig about the committee hearing on the Senate insurance omnibus bill, SB 454 that passed Senate Appropriations, on April 5, 2017.  The House companion, HB 359, will be heard in its last committee on April 6, 2017. Senate Appropriations CommitteeWednesday, April…

FIC: TNC Bill Passes House

By:  Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel As expected, the full House approved the TNC regulation bill (HB 221) on April 5, 2017.  The vote was 115-0.  The bill now goes to the Senate for approval.   The Senate bill, which is identical, is scheduled to be heard in its last committee on April 6, 2017. …

FIC: Drug Synch Bill Moves Through Another Senate Committee

By:  Sam Miller, FIC Consultant CS/SB 800 Medication Synchronization — by BroxsonCS/HB 1191 Medication Synchronization — by Cruz A bill (CS/SB 800) promoting partial refills and synchronization of prescription drugs continues through Senate committees. It was approved April 3 by the Senate Health Policy Committee with no amendments. Approved by Banking & Insurance earlier and…