FIC: Dedicated Insurance Fraud Prosecutors Would Remain State Budget Issue

By: Sam Miller, FIC Consultant HB 1007 Insurer Anti-Fraud Efforts — by RascheinAmendment 252571 [PDF] RascheinSB 1014 Public Records/Division of Investigative and Forensic Services of the Department of Financial Services — by Brandes Various pieces of the Department of Financial Services’ package expanding insurance fraud reporting and investigations were approved by House & Senate committees…

FIC: FLAHIGA Bill Passes Another Senate Committee

By:   Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel A bill related to the Florida Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association (FLAHIGA or Association) passed its second Senate committee on April 13, 2017.  The bill has one committee left.  The House companion is identical and has passed all its committees.   Specifically, the bill:•    Increases the maximum claim…