FIC: WC Reimbursement Manual Ratification Bill Goes to Last Committee

By:  Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel SB 404 which exempts workers’ compensation reimbursement allowances and manuals adopted by rule by DFS from legislative rule ratification unanimously passed its second committee on March 6, 2017.  The bill was not amended and has one committee left. Under current law, the reimbursement allowances and reimbursement manuals approved by…

FIC: WC Reform Bill Emerges In Senate

By:  Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel Sen. Bradley filed an unfriendly workers’ compensation reform bill on March 3, 2017.  The bill, SB 1582, addresses attorney fees and temporary indemnity benefits, both infirmities in the current law found in recent court decisions, but goes much further than these issues to address drastic comprehensive comp reform.  The…