Proposed Rule Changes Anti Fraud 11-21-17
Proposed Rule Changes Anti Fraud 11-21-17.pdf
Florida Insurance Council - Covering Florida Since 1962
Proposed Rule Changes Anti Fraud 11-21-17.pdf
By: Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel Legislation was passed in 2017 (HB 1007) making significant and numerous changes to insurers’ anti-fraud plans and SIUs and establishing uniform anti-fraud prevention standards for all insurers. In response to the bill, the Department of Financial Services (DFS) has proposed changes to the current administrative rules dealing with insurers’…
By: Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel Rep. Santiago (R-Deltona) filed the House insurance omnibus bill this week. HB 465 makes changes to various insurance laws on the following topics: Property Insurance:• Excluding complaints filed by AOB vendors from an insurer’s complaint ratio calculated by DFS• Diligent effort required for surplus lines agents to place residential…
By: Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel Leadership in the House of Representatives rolled out two priority bills on October 26, 2017 dealing with the protection of trade secret information held by state agencies from Florida’s broad public records law. The bills are wide-ranging and will impact trade secret information submitted by insurers to the OIR,…
By: Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel On June 14, 2017, Florida Governor Rick Scott signed HB 377, a bill dealing with the statute of limitation and statute of repose in construction defect causes of action. The bill applies to causes of action that accrue on or after July 1, 2017. Under current law, a cause…
By: Sam Miller, FIC Consultant The House and Senate each passed legislation on aerial and sidewalk & roadway drones on May 5, the final day of the 2017 session. This will go to Governor Rick Scott soon. The Senate vote was 35-0 on the bill (HB 1027). The House vote was 115-0. Two drone bills…
By: Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel The insurance omnibus package, HB 359, passed the Legislature on the last day of Session, May 5, 2017 after the House agreed to changes made to the bill by the Senate. Importantly, named driver exclusion language did not make it into the bill that passed. That language was…
By: Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel The Senate heard the House insurance fraud bill, HB 1007, on the Senate floor on May 5, 2017, the last day of Session. They amended it, passed it and returned it back to the House for consideration and approval of the Senate changes. Changes made by the Senate…