FIC: House Passes DFS Insolvency Bill 117-0

By:  Sam Miller, FIC Consultant The Florida House passed 117-0 on April 26 the Department of Financial Services insolvency package (CS/CS/HB 837), with no amendments and no opposition. The package now goes to the Senate, where similar legislation (SB 730) has moved through all of its assigned committees and should go to the floor soon.…

FIC: 2017 Insurance Fraud Package Moving to House, Senate Floors

By:  Sam Miller, FIC ConsultantHB 1007 Insurer Anti-Fraud Efforts — by RascheinAmendment 565543 [PDF] Beshears                           HB 1009 Pub. Rec./DFS/Insurance Fraud Information — by Raschein With only two weeks remaining in the 2017 regular session, the insurance fraud package (CS/CS/CS/HB 1007) from the Department of Financial Services’ Division of Investigative and Forensic Services is moving right…