FIC: Dedicated Insurance Fraud Prosecutors Would Remain State Budget Issue

By: Sam Miller, FIC Consultant HB 1007 Insurer Anti-Fraud Efforts — by RascheinAmendment 252571 [PDF] RascheinSB 1014 Public Records/Division of Investigative and Forensic Services of the Department of Financial Services — by Brandes Various pieces of the Department of Financial Services’ package expanding insurance fraud reporting and investigations were approved by House & Senate committees…

FIC: House Committee Approves Insurance Fraud Reporting Confidentiality Bill

By:  Sam Miller, FIC Consultant HB 1009 Pub. Rec./DFS/Insurance Fraud Information — by RascheinCS/HB 1007/DFS Insurance Fraud Reporting The critically important public records exemption (HB 1009), which is tied to the Department of Financial Services’  package (CS/HB HB 1007) expanding mandatory insurance fraud reporting unanimously passed the House Government Accountability Committee April 6 and is…

FIC: Insurer Insolvency Bill Ready for House Floor

By:  Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel The Department of Financial Services (DFS) supported insurer insolvency bill passed its last House committee on April 6, 2017.  The bill is a key priority of Florida’s CFO Jeff Atwater and enhances the DFS Division of Rehabilitation & Liquidation’s ability to deal with insolvencies.  The bill is highly technical…