FIC: House Committee Approves Insurance Fraud Reporting Confidentiality Bill

By:  Sam Miller, FIC Consultant HB 1009 Pub. Rec./DFS/Insurance Fraud Information — by RascheinCS/HB 1007/DFS Insurance Fraud Reporting The critically important public records exemption (HB 1009), which is tied to the Department of Financial Services’  package (CS/HB HB 1007) expanding mandatory insurance fraud reporting unanimously passed the House Government Accountability Committee April 6 and is…

FIC: Insurer Insolvency Bill Ready for House Floor

By:  Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel The Department of Financial Services (DFS) supported insurer insolvency bill passed its last House committee on April 6, 2017.  The bill is a key priority of Florida’s CFO Jeff Atwater and enhances the DFS Division of Rehabilitation & Liquidation’s ability to deal with insolvencies.  The bill is highly technical…

GT: Insurance Omnibus Passes Another Senate Committee

By:  Greenberg Traurig, FIC Lobbyist Following is a report prepared by staff at Greenberg Traurig about the committee hearing on the Senate insurance omnibus bill, SB 454 that passed Senate Appropriations, on April 5, 2017.  The House companion, HB 359, will be heard in its last committee on April 6, 2017. Senate Appropriations CommitteeWednesday, April…