FIC: Sidewalk Delivery Drone Bill Goes to House Floor

By:  Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel A bill, HB 601, authorizing the use of personal delivery devices (PDDs) on sidewalks unanimously passed its last House committee on March 22, 2017.  The bill also contains regulations relating to use of PDDs.   The insurance-related regulation contained in the bill requires PDD operators maintain general liability coverage…

FIC: Bills Moving to Facilitate Sidewalk Delivery Devices

By:  Sam Miller, FIC ConsultantCS/HB 601 Personal Delivery Devices — by WilliamsonSB 460 Personal Delivery Devices — by Brandes [Brandes Strike-all Amendment]  rejected by the Senate Transportation Committee        House and Senate committees have approved a package fostering development of sidewalks delivery drones, which may become common someday, but the Senate Transportation Committee rejected a…