FIC: Life Agent Pre-Licensing And Value Added Services Bill Clears Another Senate Committee

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FIC: Health Insurance Advanced EOB and Shared Savings Bill Starts Moving In Senate

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FIC: Medical Conscious Bill Applying To Providers and Health Insurers Advances In Both Chambers

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FIC: Public Health Emergency Changes Clear Initial House Committee

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FIC: Telehealth Dentistry Bill Starts Moving In House

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FIC: Medicaid Mandates for Glucose Monitors and Genome Sequencing For Children Moves In House

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FIC: Step Therapy Prohibition For Some Mental Health Drugs Under Medicaid Advances

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FIC: Health Insurance Shoppable Services And Non-Preferred Provider Cost Sharing Bill Moves In House

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FIC: Genetic Testing Removed And Life Agent Pre-Licensing Added To Value Added Services Bill In Senate

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FIC: Data Privacy Bill Advances In House

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