FIC: Direct Primary Care Expansion To Podiatrists Advances In Senate

By:  Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel SB 744 expands the current law on direct primary care agreements by allowing podiatrists to enter into these agreements with individuals.  Current law only allows allopathic physicians, osteopathic physicians, chiropractic physicians, nurses, or dentists to use direct primary care agreements.   The bill also changes other regulations for podiatrists,…

FIC: PBM Regulation Bill Ready For Floor

By:  Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel The House moved their PBM regulation bill (HB 7045) to the floor on February 18, 2020 when it passed its last committee, House Health and Human Services.   A strike all amendment and two amendments to the strike all were adopted to the bill.   The strike all amendment:…

FIC: Health Insurance Organ Donor Bill Clears Last House Committee Without Health Insurance Implications

By:  Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel The House organ transplant bill, HB 1187, no longer contains a prohibition on health insurance excluding coverage for organ donors as the provision was removed in its first committee. However, the Senate organ donor bill (SB 1516) still contains the prohibition.  The bill differences will have to be worked…

FIC: Direct Primary Care Expanded To Allow Use By Podiatrists Under Bill

By:  Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel HB 351 expands the current law on direct primary care agreements by allowing podiatrists to enter into these agreements with individuals.  Current law only allows allopathic physicians, osteopathic physicians, chiropractic physicians, nurses, or dentists to use direct primary care agreements.   The bill also changes other regulations for podiatrists,…

FIC: Health Insurance Organ Transplant Discrimination Bill Clears Committees In House and Senate

By:  Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel SB 1556 and HB 1179 prohibit specified entities from denying, refusing to allocate, or lowering an individual’s priority for organ transplant medical services solely on the basis of an individual’s intellectual or developmental disability. The insurance part of the bills prohibits insurers, nonprofit health care service plans, and health…