GT: State Group Formulary Bill Moves in House

By:  Greenberg Traurig, FIC Lobbyist Following is a report prepared by staff of the Greenberg Traurig who is on the FIC lobby team.   There is no Senate companion bill. HB 993 – Related to State Employees Prescription Drug Program – By Rep. Magar Opening:As many are aware, the private and public sectors are struggling to…

FIC: FLAHIGA Bill Moves in Senate

By:  Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel On March 14, 2017, the Florida Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association (FLAHIGA) bill, SB 814, unanimously passed its first committee, Senate Banking and Insurance.  The bill has two committees left. The House companion, which is identical, has already made it through the committee process and is ready for…

FIC: FLAHIGA Bill Passes All Committees

By:  Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel On March 9, 2017, the Florida Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association (FLAHIGA) bill, HB 307, unanimously passed its last committee.  It will now will be heard on the House floor when scheduled by the Rules Committee.  The Senate bill is identical to the House bill, but has not…

FIC: DMPO Revision Details Now Available

By:  Sam Miller, FIC Consultant The Senate Banking & Insurance Committee Wednesday posted a revised staff analysis and bill text for CS/SB 430, a package updating regulations on discount medical plan organizations (DPMOs) offered by many employers throughout the state. This was approved by Senate B&I Monday, with a similar package (CS/HB 577) advanced Tuesday…

FIC: House Panel Advances Discount Medical Plans Bill

By: Sam Miller, FIC Consultant HB 577 Discount Plan Organizations — by Pigman Strike-all amendment: 777669 A bill updating regulation of discount medical plan organizations (DMPOs) was approved by the House Health Innovation Subcommittee Tuesday, a day after similar legislation passed the Senate Banking & Insurance Committee. The House bill (CS/HB 577), sponsored by Cary…