FIC: Emergency Insulin Refill Bill Heads To Governor

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FIC: Workers’ Comp Specialist Authorization For First Responders Goes To Governor

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FIC: Property Nonrenewal and Cancellation Restriction Bill Passes Senate

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FIC: OIR Agency Bill Passes House With Floor Amendment On Property Cancellations And Nonrenewals And QUASR Reporting

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FIC: Consumer Protection Bill Passes House And Goes To Senate

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FIC: Health Insurance Mandatory Shared Savings Program Stripped Out Of House Bill Sent To Senate

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FIC: Asbestos Bill Goes To House For Approval

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FIC: Vehicle Storage And Towing Fee Bill Without Clean Up Fees Goes To Governor

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FIC: Auto Coverage Limits For Driverless Cars Operated Remotely Removed From House Bill On Floor

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FIC: Property Insurance Premium Reductions Due To Tax Changes Clears House

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