CPC: Committee meetings emphasize need for AOB reform this legislative session

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (Oct. 24, 2017) – Legislative meetings about Assignment of Benefits underscored the need for comprehensive reform to end abusive AOB practices that are driving up the cost of property insurance and threatening the affordability of home ownership for many Floridians, the Consumer Protection Coalition said today. Members of the Senate Banking and Insurance…

FIC: More than One Billion in Reinsurance Payments Now in Florida Market as Irma Claims Are Paid

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 23, 2017Contact: Michael Williams. (850) 222-3767, michael@coremessage.com More than One Billion in Reinsurance Payments Now in Florida Market as Irma Claims Are Paid~Reinsurance Providing the Capital to Pay Claims and Write New Business~ Tallahassee, FL – In early September, almost the entire state of Florida was affected by Hurricane Irma, creating…

GT: Florida Supreme Court Rules on Attorney Fees in Water Damage Claim

By Greenberg Traurig In the opinion, Justice Pariente noted the appeals court had improperly ruled that multipliers are only available in “rare” and “exceptional” circumstances. Pariente wrote, “after reviewing this Court’s precedent regarding contingency fee multipliers, it is clear that this court has never limited the use of contingency fee multipliers to only `rare’ and…

FIC: Hurricane Irma Update – Senate Banking & Insurance Committee Meeting

By:  Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel The Senate Banking and Insurance held a committee meeting on October 10, 2017 where the committee was provided updates on Hurricane Irma from various stakeholders as follows: Update from Commissioner AltmaierSteps the OIR took ahead of the storm to prepare for the event:  consumer outreach, outreach to insurers, liaison…

FIC: FHCF Hurricane Irma Update

By:  Katrina Callaway, FIC General Counsel Anne Bert, Chief Operating Officer of the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund (FHCF), provided an update on Hurricane Irma claims to the FHCF Advisory Council during their meeting on September 13, 2017.  Ms. Bert stated the FHCF has not yet received any requests for reimbursement/Proof of Loss Reports from insurers,…