GT: Citizens Board of Governors Approves 2017 Risk Transfer Program

By: Greenberg Traurig, FIC Lobbyist On Thursday, Citizens Property Insurance Corporation’s (“Citizens”) Board of Governors met to approve their 2017 Risk Transfer Program (the “Program”). Citizens is required by Florida Statute to procure catastrophe reinsurance in the private marketplace. Each year, the Board of Governors meets to review the reinsurance coverage recommendations offered by its…

GT: AOB Heading to House Floor

By:  Greenberg Traurig, FIC Lobbyist House Commerce approved a proposed committee bill for HB 1421 by Rep. Jamie Grant (R-Tampa) and Rep. Rene Plasencia (R-Titusville) on Wednesday. The measure was approved on a vote of 21 to 8 with Democrats voting against it. Rep. Richard Stark (D-Weston) was the lone Democrat casting a favorable vote.…